friday favorites

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The weather is much, much cooler today and that is absolutely fine by me.

I'm pretty excited for the weekend. Tomorrow I have a solo day trip planned to Portland. I will be attending the Pacific Northwest Blogger Photo + Craft Event. It's always fun to meet other local bloggers, where we'll be getting crafty and eating yummy food. Since this event is only a few hours, and I will be just doing a day trip, that means, Sunday can be dedicated to family hike day. During the spring time we used Sunday as our pack a picnic, take the kids and Bob, and go discover a new trail day. Now that summer is in full swing, are weekends are usually spent out of town, which is fine because it's summer, but I do miss our tradition. What are your plans this weekend?

Here is my Friday favorites list. Happy Weekend, xxoo!

10 Best Tropical Fruit Cocktails

Heirloom Tomato Pizza with fresh mozzarella + basil

Boys Will Be Boys

Quick Pickled Zucchini Recipe, I make this a lot during the summer. Baguette, smeared with goat cheese and this on top. YUM.

25 Fun Instagram Projects for Summer!

Love Feast Portland, can't wait!

Radish and Butter Sandwich, simple and delicious.

{Hudson's awesome leggings are from Little Hip Squeaks, USA made}