weekend notes

Here in the beautiful PNW, we had amazing weather. And when I say amazing, it was 80 degrees on Saturday! Sunday wasn't too bad with a high of 78 as well.

We had a great weekend in Portland filled with sun and food. My favorite combination.

On Saturday we met up with my cousin and her beautiful daughter Odessa at Tasty n Alder. I had the Polenta & Sugo with mozzarella & over easy egg. Delicious.

 Hudson with his Auntie Nicole.

She brought these Mum-Mum snacks for Odessa that Hudson loved. Have you tried them for your baby?

Lola with her cousin Odessa. How cute is Odessa's bunny sweater that use to be her mom's!

I made these Peanut Butter Bacon cookies from Joy the Baker cookbook for our Easter Brunch. I also brought my brussels sprouts salad (I'm addicted) and leek bread pudding that I made from our CSA delivery. None of this compared to the jelled red & yellow beets, with micros topped with whipped goat cheese, candied hazelnuts and orange blossom syrup that Jake's uncle made. I can't stop thinking about it!

Hudson showing off his moves.

Lola on her Easter egg hunt. 

Ashley Marti